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Ripristina il sano equilibrio della tua pelle. Hai la pelle mista o grassa? Gli ingredienti irritanti contenuti nei prodotti skincare possono esserne la causa. Fortunatamente, puoi ripristinare il sano equilibrio della tua pelle con la collezione Skin Balancing di Paula’s Choice. Questi prodotti sono efficaci sia per le zone grasse che per le zone secche della tua pelle. Scopri di più
Equilibra la pelle
Ripristina l'equilibrio dell'idratazione
Combatte imperfezioni e punti neri
Ripristina l'equilibrio della tua pelle con questo tonico idratante leggero.
Contrasta i punti neri
Adatto per pelli soggette a imperfezioni
Questo set riequilibra la pelle grassa, minimizza i pori e riduce i rossori.
Lozione leggera, non unge la pelle
Questo gel idratante si assorbe rapidamente e dona un finish opaco, senza ostruire i pori.
Dona alla pelle un finish opaco
Una lozione dall’effetto opacizzante e leggero, che protegge la pelle dai segni dell'invecchiamento causati dal sole.
Rimuove il sebo in eccesso
Questo detergente schiumogeno rimuove le impurità, il sebo in eccesso e il trucco, senza desquamare la pelle.
Riduce visibilmente i pori dilatati
Assorbe il sebo in eccesso, riduce i punti neri e i pori dilatati e riequilibra la pelle grassa.
Formulato per le aree secche e grasse
La sua formula ultra leggera contrasta i punti neri e protegge la pelle dai danni ambientali.
The products in the Paula's Choice Skin Balancing collection contain powerful antioxidants and soothing ingredients that reduce redness, pimples and blackheads. They also contain cell-communicating ingredients that help your skin look younger. At the same time, they minimise sebum production and prevent dehydration.
First of all, it's important to ascertain what type of skin you have. Only then can you start using the right skincare products. After all, only by using the right care products will you achieve the desired effect. But how do you know what type of skin you have? To make things easier, we've compiled a handy explanation for you. This way, you'll be able to determine your skin type and which Paula's Choice products are most suitable for you.
Do you have combination skin? Are parts of the skin on your forehead, nose and chin oilier than the rest of your face? Then we recommend buying products from Paula's Choice Skin Balancing collection. If you order today, you'll benefit from fast and inexpensive delivery.
Our philosophy? Smart, Safe Beauty. The products you use should work and be good for your skin, no exceptions. Based on our heritage in consumer advocacy, each of our formulas is effective, safe and backed by cited research. We uncover the truth about skincare and share all of the facts with you along the way - because keeping your skin healthy shouldn't be a mystery.
Our products do what they promise and we want you to experience that for yourself, that's why we offer a 60 day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 60 days for a full refund.
For any questions about our products or for help on building a skincare routine, please contact our Customer Care team. Our skincare experts are on hand to help you find the best products for your skin.