Earth Sourced

Earth Sourced

La nostra linea di prodotti Earth Sourced combina il meglio di due mondi. Dopotutto, questi prodotti contengono ingredienti naturali, oltre ad altri ingredienti scientificamente provati ed efficaci. Il risultato? Una skincare adeguata per la tua pelle, senza irritazioni. Scopri di più


2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
2 risultati
Ordina per:
Filtra per:
  • Tipo di pelle

    Tipo di pelle

    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Bisogni della pelle

    Bisogni della pelle

    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Formato


    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Categorie


    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Pelle tendente alla rosacea, Pelle sensibile

    Adatto per la pelle tendente alla rosacea

    Delicato sulla pelle

    Idrata la pelle

    Realizzata con ingredienti naturali, questa crema leggera ripara e idrata la pelle.

    Aloe vera, Burro di karitè, Olio di enotera
    Spedizione gratuita
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Bestseller in formato viaggio
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Pelle sensibile

    Idrata la pelle

    Adatto per pelli sensibili

    Delicato sulla pelle

    Realizzato con ingredienti naturali, questo tonico in gel ripristina, rimpolpa e lenisce la pelle.

    Estratto di Tè Verde, Estratto di Fiori di Camomilla, Olio di oliva
    Spedizione gratuita
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Bestseller in formato viaggio
Sposta in alto

Products from our earth sourced collection

The Earth Sourced products are all products that contain only the best natural ingredients. In total, the collection includes three different skincare products:

  • Earth Sourced Cleanser
  • Earth Sourced Toner
  • Earth Sourced Night Cream


Earth Sourced Cleanser A cleanser with a gel texture that gently cleans your skin. The cleanser guarantees clean and fresh skin at the beginning of your routine. Your skin will feel soft and you won't suffer from a dry or tight feeling.


Earth Sourced Toner A toner that nourishes, restores and protects your skin after cleaning. Contains a combination of glycerine, antioxidants and moisturising oils. The result? A silky smooth and radiant skin.


Earth Sourced Night Cream A light cream that ensures long-lasting hydration of your skin. Since it contains no sunscreen, it's best to this cream only at night. During the day, choose a cream that contains SPF.

Buy paula’s choice earth sourced

Are you convinced that your skin products should mainly include natural ingredients? Then we recommend opting for products from the Paula’s Choice Earth Sourced collection. Want to profit from a fast and inexpensive delivery? Order your Earth Sourced collection product today. Beauty begins with truth

Our philosophy? Smart, Safe Beauty. The products you use should work and be good for your skin, no exceptions. Based on our heritage in consumer advocacy, each of our formulas is effective, safe and backed by cited research. We uncover the truth about skincare and share all of the facts with you along the way - because keeping your skin healthy shouldn't be a mystery.

Our products do what they promise and we want you to experience that for yourself, that's why we offer a 60 day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 60 days for a full refund.

We are here to help you

For any questions about our products or for help on building a skincare routine, please contact our Customer Care team. Our skincare experts are on hand to help you find the best products for your skin.