


La nostra linea Defense include prodotti skincare altamente efficaci, in grado di difendere la pelle dalle cinque principali cause di danni ambientali: gas di scarico delle auto, fumo di sigaretta, smog, piccole particelle tossiche e luce blu dei dispositivi digitali. Mantieni la tua pelle sana e luminosa con la linea Defense. Scopri di più


3 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
3 risultati
Ordina per:
Filtra per:
  • Tipo di pelle

    Tipo di pelle

    3 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Bisogni della pelle

    Bisogni della pelle

    3 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Formato


    3 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Categorie


    3 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Anti-age, Colorito spento

    Illumina la pelle

    Una crema leggera, per una facile applicazione

    Protegge la pelle dagli effetti nocivi dell'inquinamento.

    Questa crema da giorno con SPF 30 illumina, idrata e protegge dall'inquinamento e dai raggi UV.

    Kiwi, Estratto di radice di liquirizia, Olio di Argan
    Spedizione gratuita
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Bestseller in formato viaggio
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Anti-age, Colorito spento

    Rimuove il trucco

    Rafforza la barriera naturale della pelle

    Protegge la pelle dagli effetti nocivi dell'inquinamento.

    Questo detergente viso dalla texture setosa rimuove delicatamente le impurità, il sebo in eccesso e gli agenti inquinanti che rendono il tono della pelle spento.

    Aminoacidi, Acido laurico, Fosfolipidi
    Spedizione gratuita
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Bestseller in formato viaggio
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Anti-age, Pori dilatati, Colorito spento

    Libera e minimizza visibilmente i pori

    Migliora il tono e la texture della pelle

    Protegge la pelle dagli effetti nocivi dell'inquinamento.

    Un trattamento illuminante che neutralizza gli effetti dell'inquinamento quotidiano e della luce blu.

    Acido salicilico/BHA, Tè bianco, Antiossidanti
    Spedizione gratuita
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Bestseller in formato viaggio
Sposta in alto

Environmental pollution is detrimental to your skin and can result in dull, rough, discoloured or uneven-looking skin, and it can accelerate the ageing process. Follow these 3 simple steps for stronger, healthier and radiant looking skin.

Your Defense daily routine


Remove dirt, excess sebum and skin-dulling pollutants with Hydrating Gel-to-Cream Cleanser which gently cleanses and softens skin.

Day moisturiser with SPF

Prepare for the day ahead with Essential Glow Moisturizer SPF 30. This moisturiser is infused with over 12 antioxidants and gentle, mineral-based sunscreens. Hydrate and brighten skin while protecting it from blue light, UV rays and airborne pollutants.

Night moisturiser PM

At night apply Nightly Reconditioning Moisturizer. It delivers 8 antioxidants and other ingredients to repair, hydrate and strengthen skin while you sleep.

Our Defense collection is ideal for all skin types. Every product within the collection is formulated with an exclusive Anti Pollution Factor ™ (APF). This unique blend of natural antioxidants, plant extracts and skin-repairing ingredients help fight and reverse the effects of airborne pollutants and blue light exposure. Our APF ™ brings a halt to the damage that environmental pollution causes. It helps prevent and repair dull rough, discoloured and premature ageing skin to keep your skin looking healthy, radiant and even-toned.

Frequently asked questions

What is APF?

APF stands for Anti-Pollution Factor. This refers to the combination of antioxidants, replenishing, and brightening ingredients that help shield your skin against pollution and help it to repair the visible effects of airborne pollutants.

Which antioxidants can be listed as APF?

All of them! But it’s not just the antioxidants, it’s the synergy of them with other ingredients. It’s a combination with replenishing ingredients that strengthen the skin’s barrier (f.e. ceramides, argan and marula oils ) and brightening ingredients that reverse an uneven skin tone and mottled hyperpigmentation (a little-known side effect of exposure to pollutants).

Do my current Paula’s Choice products include APF?

Your Paula’s Choice products also contain antioxidants that protect against and neutralise the harmful effects of pollutants and all of our SPF moisturisers protect against UV radiation. Our other collections have more targeted formulations for treating specific concerns rather than being solely focused on protection against pollutants. Defense products are the first that contain a specific blend of ingredients chosen to prevent and fight the effects of airborne pollutants and blue light.

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Beauty begins with truth

Our philosophy? Smart, Safe Beauty. The products you use should work and be good for your skin, no exceptions. Based on our heritage in consumer advocacy, each of our formulas is effective, safe and backed by cited research. We uncover the truth about skincare and share all of the facts with you along the way - because keeping your skin healthy shouldn't be a mystery.

Our products do what they promise and we want you to experience that for yourself, that's why we offer a 60 day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 60 days for a full refund.

We are here to help you

For any questions about our products or for help on building a skincare routine, please contact our Customer Care team. Our skincare experts are on hand to help you find the best products for your skin.